Be The Queen of Your Money Book Launch!

May 01, 2023

my book launches today! let's do this! πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒβ€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹β€‹


calling all my money queens out there!


i am proud to present Be The Queen of Your Money: How to Create Financial Freedom with Ease and Grace!


packed with practical tools, relatable money stories, including my own, how i made my first $100K as an entrepreneur, and built a generative financial foundation for my own and others multi 6 & 7 figure businesses,

as well as a money fable that illustrates the trust and power that resides in each of us to be come the Queen of our money. πŸ‘‘


this book is a model of what it could be like to use money as a tool, to create money on your terms, and be a steward of money for all of us to rise.


it is a model for a new paradigm of working with money.

AND i sure hope if this is something you want to see in your life you will grab a copy TODAY!


celebrate with me and support the book getting to the bestseller list on Amazon today!


you can buy it here:


grab a copy, enjoy money expansion and leave a review... i would love ya for it.


much love and abundance to you in ALL its forms...

πŸ’‹ CW




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