It's National "Go Hug A Money Coach" Day!!

Apr 23, 2023

Some days I question why I chose money coaching. 

“Sheesh, Christine… Why did you pick this one?!?” LOL

 I have to do my own continuous work with my money mindset, where my own money gremlin can have its way with me and then at almost the same time step into a zoom session and be a clear conduit for my client’s financial ups and downs.


It is a lot to hold space with and for myself and my money journey AND my clients money journey. 


Some days are not easy. When I meet another money coach, I honor them because holding the space with other humans in one of the most intimate, scary subjects is not for the faint of heart. 


AND I love what I do. 

The power I witness in myself and others, the trust that is built within ourselves working through our money stories, the mastery of creating money and the dreams it helps build, the glorious meeting of ourselves deeply, is worth all the edginess that comes with the natural emotions of a financial evolution, “good and bad.”


It is magnificent to see a woman step into her agency with money when she asks for what she wants her money to do for her. 

It is magnificent to hear a woman say, “I felt so empowered in that sales conversation. I know the value of what I am offering deeply now.”

It is magnificent to have a woman show me her numbers on her profit and loss statement with complete confidence (and a beautiful grin to match.)


Money will show us our greatest fears AND it will also show us our greatest potential.


AND some days are not easy. 

AND I am built for this.



Because I went through it myself. 

AND had no one to talk about it with (what I thought at the time.)


I did the work, I am doing the work. 

I know for me to my best, I am devoted to taking care of my physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and subtle bodies so I can give my best to you.

I know I am more powerful than any money problem I have. I know that at the deepest level. 


I can hold space with other women in their deepest money shame, fear, and worry. 

Because I have been there. 


I still have women come up to me and say I didn't know someone like you existed, 


Yes, sister, I do exist and this is my purpose. 

Supporting women like you. 

Giving a space for women to talk about money without judgment. 

A safe space for your money stories to be told is where your new money story, more empowered $$ story, begins.


One of:  ​​​​​​​​

true financial freedom.​​​​​​​​

abundant creativity.​​​​​​​​

courageous confidence.​​​​​​​​

massive cash flow.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


A space to elevate the money conversation.


….because imagine the ripple effect of more money flowing through the hands of women like you. (read: refreshing, regenerative, collective, and life changing) 

So yeah, you have some money stuff to get through. (me too!)

What I know about women is this... you are built for this too. I know it deep in my bones.


This ain't the end. This is just the beginning.


My new book Be The Queen of Your Money: How to Create Financial Freedom with Ease and Grace will be available on Amazon on Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023.


It is a story of financial heartbreak to financial healing. My story.

And it is a story of all of us. 


It is a story for us all. To come to a new relationship with money for now, for the future, for always.

I cannot WAIT to share it with you….


Mark your calendar Tuesday, May 2, 2023 on Amazon…

If you want a nudge to remind, simply reply to this email, "I am a Money Queen" and I will ping you that day. 

I would love to get into as many women’s hands as possible, especially you.

Thank you for being here with me on the journey.


All boats rise with the tide. 

And I see you doing the work.


Grab my book and let’s do this work together.

With so much gratitude,


PS: It is not really National "Go Hug a Money Coach" Day, but if you see one hug her... she could use one.

Remember May 2nd!

Be The Queen of Your Money arrives on Amazon... grab a copy or reach out here and I will hook you up!



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