Six Keys to Unlocking Recurring Revenue in Your Business

Apr 13, 2022

It is one thing to start to make money in your business and it is another to create recurring revenue in your business.  

In my 15 years plus of running small businesses, accounting for small businesses, and coaching and mentoring women with small businesses, I have come across the six keys to unlocking recurring revenue in your business. 

Here is a rundown of them… for $hits and giggles you can go through the exercise of rating them for yourself so you know what ones may need a little more attention than others.

The Exercise: Rate them on a scale from 1 for “I’m not even close to knowing where I am with that one” (no confidence) to 10 for “I got that totally dialed in and loving it” (super confident.) 

  1.  A Nourishing Business Model that has confidently provided the program, service, offerings and/or product mix that gives you fluid and blissful money flow. 
  2.  Profitable and Purposeful Pricing that reflects the highest value exchange between you and your ideal consumer.  
  3.  A Regenerative Sales process that gives you the win-win factor. Where your prospects are held in their sovereignty and you in yours during a sales conversation.  
  4.  An Expansive Energy of Money that has given you the foundation for mastering your money fears, aligning your beliefs with the Truth of abundance, where your body’s nervous system is supported through receptivity AND generosity and you get to trust yourself with money.  
  5.  A Sustainable Money Management system that creates a clean container for money to flow into 
  6.  A Magnetic Money RoadMap that lays out the tactical plan, the strategy, and the vision attuning to your value, standards, and dreams.  

What came up for you as you rated them?  

Where do you need support and/or clarity to create recurring revenue in your business? 

I run my clients through each of these over our time working together and it leads to less stress, less overwhelm, and hell of a lot less money drama and lot more money flow.  

AND you don’t have to have them ALL dialed in… It is in the holding of them and focusing on one or two at time that big things can happen in your income.  

So, now that you are aware of what might be standing between you and your money flow, you can make another decision bout your next step with more clarity.  

I hope this gave you insight into one of your stumbling blocks with recurring revenue in your business.  

Would love to hear what came up for you around this exercise.  

Shoot me a love note and be witnessed in your money blocks and with awareness allow them to be transformed.  

All my best,


PS... It's my birthday this week!! Yay me... another trip around the sun... SO I thought it would be fun to offer up a flash sale on my most beloved money course...

The Money Revolution Lab: Redesign Your Money Life Now

Now available as a self-paced 5-module course at a grateful price of $97 through Sunday April 17th. (normally $297)


Here is what Clare had to say about taking the course: 

The Money Revolution Lab set my old money struggle story on fire and allowed me to create a new money story which honors my commitment to true abundance. Understanding the energetic scale of victim (1) to co-creation (7) is now a tool I use daily to gauge and shift in a moment’s notice towards a higher money vibration. It works for my brain and my body. The digestible concepts and weekly actionable steps moved me from the safety-zone and to power-zone.

You are ready for this course if you: 

Are a woman who personally OR professionally wants to shift the core energy dynamics at play in your money relationship. 

Urgently want to clean and clear the money mindset that has kept you in fear, worry, or doubt about your finances (and not to mention up at night in the fight, flight, or freeze mode around money.) 

Not only need an energetic shift around your money POV but easy to apply practical tips and tools to manage your money from a place of supreme ownership.  

Are over the quick pill make money now and want deeper work to support you for the long term with your money 

Want to design your money life on your terms even if you don’t know where to start (it's even better that way: beginner's mind is best around money) 

What you can expect:  

>5 robust trainings with worksheets, videos, and activations from my two plus decades of study, research, and experience in money energetics and money management. 

  • Your New Money Identity, Stepping into Awareness and Leadership with Your Money 
  • Your Need for Safety and How It Stops You from Making the Money You Want 
  • Connecting with Your Inner $$ Genius: Your Body, to Transform your Outer Wealth 
  • Giving Yourself Permission to Grow, Attract, and Keep More of Your Money 
  • Activating Your Feminine Power to Make Embodied Money Decisions 

>Energy transmissions from yours truly that give you permission to be, do, and have more with your money. (Like I am in your pocketbook chatting with you about money.) 

>Lifetime access to all course materials. 

You can receive immediate access here: 

I got your back… Your financial back!



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